97 Minutes - screen graphics, main title and main on end

Stringular was commissioned by VFX Supervisor Samuli Torssonen and Director Timo Vuorensola to create the screen graphics for the feature film "97 Minutes," featuring Alec Baldwin and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. The task involved designing a range of elements that would be convincing, animating them, and providing them for approximately 130 shots.

These graphics encompassed a variety of items, such as NSA screens, mobile phones, tablets, and flight instruments. Key tools utilized for the project included Illustrator, After Effects, and Cinema 4d. Notably, all screens in the film were generated in the post-production phase, as opposed to live capture, with the actors performing on a green screen stage.

Presented herein are just a few samples of the 130 or so scenes and graphics created. Thanks to Pasi Jakkula for helping with the screen graphics. VFX Supervised by Energia Productions. 97 Minutes is written by Pavan Grover. Produced by Pavan Grover, Jamie R. Thompson, Jake Seal.

Apart from the screen graphics, Stringular also created the main title and on-end sequence. The sequence involved two minutes of animation that reflected the preceding story. The design was primarily crafted using Cinema 4d, using Redshift, with post-production completed via After Effects. The entire project was produced in ACES colors, with a resolution of 4K. End credits song: Wednesday Night - Cut by Niam Made The Beat. Here is the final sequence and a few process frames:

Overall, this project combined all of my favorite elements. The provision of hundreds of screen graphics and a title sequence, both main and end, was a momentous accomplishment. Moreover, the production's considerable trust allowed for creative freedom in the development of the visual components. It was a truly remarkable experience to be part of this undertaking. It also proved that even though Stringular is a small design boutique, even massive productions can be handled!


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